We are proud to use TheBookPatch.com as our preferred print vendor. The platform allows us to print high-quality, perfect bound books at an affordable cost.

To offer the Quarterly for purchase through TheBookpatch.com, we are required to mark up the price $.01 from the wholesale cost. This is the minimum mark-up required by TheBookPatch.com in order to offer the Quarterly in their online bookstore. Prices between issues will vary subtly due to the wholesale cost determined by TheBookPatch.com.

Below is the text provided on the TheBookPatch.com pertaining to payouts. After reading it, you’ll see we would need to “sell” 4,000 units of a single Quarterly in order to be receive a payout. If that ever happens, we expect to be mentioned in the forward to your book and please drop our name to whomever gave you the deal. Just kidding. (But seriously.) If we ever receive a payout from TheBookPatch.com, we will donate 100% of it to The Nashville Public Library under the name Nashville Poets Quarterly & celebrate that donation with you all via our social pages.

TheBookPatch.com pays out thusly:

Authors (in our case, NPQ) receive 100% of sale profits, no fees, commissions or royalties . Each book an author has in the store is paid out separately once the book has reached a profit of $40. Checks are mailed on the 15th of the following month and are withheld if the US dollar amount of the profits is not above $40.

So please, purchase and enjoy.

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NPQ 2019 Q1

Nashville Poets ...


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NPQ 2019 Q2

Nashville Poets ...


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NPQ 2019 Q3

Nashville Poets ...


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NPQ 2019 Q4

Nashville Poets ...


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